
Something we should be talking about!

Welcome to NazariyaLGBT.org

Posted by: Prakhar Sinha

Life isn’t something that runs by a very definitive set of conduct and moral behavior. We often reckon what has been around for ages, is right, and it needs to be followed to eschew any entropy and babel in our civilization. But how do we determine if those set of rules are beneficial and instrumental for us, or just plain balderdash? Well, if you ask me, we’re pretty sure what would make us progress as a nation, and what would patent hold us back. But many of us don’t want to change, and can’t accept any reconstruct around us. The things we can’t fathom, we often reject and repudiate them, and docket them as plain blather. I bet somewhere inside we know if we try hard enough, the things we can’t understand and envisage would start coming naturally to us. The world doesn’t fight for or…

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