
Originally posted on Welcome to NazariyaLGBT.org:
Posted by: Prakhar Sinha Life isn’t something that runs by a very definitive set of conduct and moral behavior. We often reckon what has been around for ages, is right, and it needs to be followed to eschew any entropy and babel in our civilization. But how do…

On Fulfillment, Happiness And Peace

I’ve searched for happiness. I’ve searched for happiness a lot. We all have. We search for happiness and fulfillment -in people, in places, in things and in situations. But where is happiness? Where is it? Did you ever find it? The true everlasting bliss. The way they show in movies. Did you have it without…

What Is My Life Going To Be Like?

Today I want to tell you what your life is going to be like! You’ll read my post today and magic would happen. Tomorrow morning you’ll wake up feeling positive. In fact every day of your life you are going to wake up feeling positive. You’ll work hard. You’ll get what you want in your…

Self – Doubt

Examining The Notion “Well, self doubt is surely no easy thing to deal with”-Nah! I’m not going to say that to you. I would rather tell you -it’s simple, not easy. Don’t overestimate it. Don’t romanticize your problem. It’s not cool to have self doubt. Instead take those tiny steps towards eliminating it. So what…

Dealing With Unnecessary Attachments

Attached? So yes, again, to begin with, let me get the topic straight. Attachments… what are they?How do we know when we get attached to somebody? What is it like? Is it bad to start feeling attached really soon? It’s not in case of love in particular that I talk about. You can be attached…

The Fear Of Not Being Good Enough

The Concept   The fear of not being good enough for something or fearing not being the ‘deserving one’ is one of the deepest and most fundamental fears of human nature. People tend to believe that they are ‘not the one’ and are somehow flawed. It is one of the most universal feelings that ever…


Are You Aware Of Self-Hatred? Self-Hatred is a strong emotion. Everyone experiences it at some point of time. The thought comes and goes. But the question is have you been experiencing it in an uncontrollable way? I have experienced it for a large part of my life without being consciously aware of it. Nearly my…

Dealing With Bad Inner Voices

What Are Inner Voices? So the first thing we need to understand here is- What are inner voices? An inner voice is an auto-suggestion that your brain gives you at various points of time. Suggestions like- Why things are so? Why are you not able to accomplish certain things? Where does the fault lie? Our…

The Journey Begins

This is our journey. YOURS and MINE! Let’s learn how to stay happy and laugh louder! Thanks for joining me! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton